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Cloud Firestore iOS Integration

Manually integrate Cloud Firestore into your iOS application.

iOS Manual Linking

The following steps are only required if your environment does not have access to React Native auto-linking (<= 0.59) or you need to manually integrate the library.

1. Add the Pod

Add the RNFBFirestore Pod to your projects /ios/Podfile:

target 'app' do
  # ...
  pod 'RNFBFirestore', :path => '../node_modules/@react-native-firebase/firestore'

2. Update Pods & rebuild the project

You may need to update your local Pods in order for the RNFBFirestore Pod to be installed in your project:

$ cd ios/
$ pod install --repo-update

Once the Pods have installed locally, rebuild your iOS project:

npx react-native run-ios